26 January 2008

Kate Marshall – the artist as the model

Portrait of the Artist as an Artist, 2007

“My most recent work stems from an interest in the fetishisation of the artist and the artist/model relationship. From Vasari’s ‘Lives of the Great Artists’ to Anais Nin to contemporary celebrity culture we have been fascinated by the romanticised figure as much as their work. I have begun to realise this might now include me and that I should redress the balance with my ‘models’. Until now I have been the Madame of the house and not one of the whores. I hope these quasi-self portraits are also a reminder of the humour in my work.”

– Kate Marshall, artist

There is something erotic about Kate Marshall’s art – something that gives me a voyeuristic feeling when I look at her work. Perhaps that is her intention. For, embedded in her art is a fascination with the female nude – an exploration of the feminine ‘self’. No doubt, the simplicity of colour and form, and her experiments with the artist as the model, add to the appeal.

See more of Kate Marshall’s work on her website.

[Citation: Image reproduced from Eyestorm. Quote reproduced from Kate Marshall’s press kit from her website.]

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