29 January 2008

Dhiraj Chawda: Reflections

Amitabh Bachchan (early career)

Yesterday I received a wonderful gift from a dear friend. It was Bollywood photographer Dhiraj Chawda’s recently-launched book, Reflections over the last 50 years. The book, a coffee-table edition, is an exclusive collection of Mr Chawda’s photographs – mostly portraits of some of Bollywood’s greatest stars (film, dance and music), and a few other Indian celebrities (e.g. Rajiv Gandhi, Ustad Vilayat Khan).

Although I have seen Mr Chawda’s work in the Indian media, some many times over, I must confess that I know very little about him and his achievements. Hence, I have reproduced below an extract from a screenindia.com article I read on the Internet today:

“Dhiraj Chawda, ace glamour photographer for over forty years, describes himself as an artist who paints with his camera. He is best known for his portraits of film stars, and is remembered for his meticulous attention to detail, his penchant for experimentation, and his ability to create an ethereal aura around his subjects. A walk down memory lane with a man who is an inspiration to photographers even today.”

The entire screenindia.com article can be accessed here.

The book, Reflections over the last 50 years, is obviously worth owning – or, at least, worth taking a look at.

[Citation: Image reproduced from Dhiraj Chawda’s book, Reflections over the last 50 years.]

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