19 April 2007

The poverty of language

Whenever I receive emails, or read comments on various websites, written in abbreviated and truncated English language, a gala of misspelled words forming sentences without punctuation, I am fairly certain the text is written by an Indian below 25 years of age.

That makes me wonder at the poverty of language in India’s youth today. Why do they have a disregard for English spelling, grammar, punctuation and usage? Why is there a lack of emotional depth and intelligence in their writing in English? Why do they have such contempt for their readers?

I’m not critical of the youth of my country per se, but bad writing in English bothers me. When I read perfectly good English written by young men and women from other countries, I wonder what makes India’s youth so special that they can blatantly overthrow the courtesies of good English and good communication.

Are we, as elders, not teaching them well?

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