20 April 2007

Efficiency and ethics

This evening, while concluding the 2-day celebration of Akshaya Trithiya (according to Hindus, the time of the year when the Sun and the Moon are most radiant), my client fumbled over a small speech to a gathering of our office staff. He didn’t seem very comfortable in making speeches.

We had done well, twice as well as last year, and my client congratulated everyone, welcoming the efficiency with which our team had laboured and come out successful. But, he reminded us, no business can be successful in the long run without ethics. He said, ‘efficiency and ethics’ is what we must all strive for.

It was a short speech. I was quite impressed.

1 comment:

Biswajit said...

@ Lacan Dropu

Thanks for your comment. Had visited your blog but it was in Spanish (I think). Since I don't know Spanish, I couldn't understand anything.