08 December 2007

sprout: symbols to cultivate change

embrace solar power

“Our environment is in a state of peril. Heat-trapping gases such as carbon dioxide emitted by vehicles and power plants have caused what is now referred to as ‘the climate crisis’ – an exponential increase in temperature within earth’s atmosphere. Wildlife and natural habitat are under constant threat by human interference. Developments in nuclear research create weapons of mass destruction, putting human life and the environment on dangerous ground. Considering these dilemmas collectively, one could say the possibility of cultivating change seems an impossible task.

No individual is capable of changing the world alone; however, it is possible for each of us to facilitate change in a small way. As a graphic designer, I have responded to these issues by creating a series of universal pictographic symbols to raise consciousness about the social and environmental issues facing our global community. Amidst the complexity of our accelerated lives, these simplified visual interpretations act as concise abbreviations promoting awareness. The symbols, designed to mimic logomarks for corporations, subvert the persuasive methods used in branding and advertising. They reach out to the viewer in a clear language more conducive to acceptance and believability.”

– Savio Alphonso, winner of the recent designboom ‘love your earth’ competition

Learn more about Savio Alphonso and ‘sprout: symbols to cultivate change’ at designboom.com and/or log on to his website here. Simply enlightening.

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