08 June 2007

Reality, life, death

Reality is there. It is for us to perceive it, absorb it, understand it and learn from it. Our whole life’s project is to do just that. Only to die in the end.

Apparently, Tibetan Buddhists believe that life is a preparation for death. That, life’s mission is to prepare us for death. Could this be true?


Madhuri said...

Life's project is to live. Death is the antithesis of life. Not the goal.

Biswajit said...

Hmm. Do you think I have an inverted sense of responses to things? Or, is it a penchant for making ordinary things appear extraordinary (though, sometimes, incorrectly so)? It must be because of my association with those Tibetans. They keep churning out books on the dead and I keep devouring them like 'bhel puri'. No wonder I sound confused.

Madhuri said...

:-) No, I feel nothing of the sort. But I do think a lot of fascination is wrongly attributed to death. It deserves curiosity for being a mystery - but nothing more.

Biswajit said...

Right-o. Let's talk about something more lively. This topic is dead anyway.